Acupuncture Services in Santa Monica
Text (310) 633-1599 or e-mail today to schedule an appointment!
First Visit : Consultation with Treatment $200
The consultation discusses your health-related problems, concerns, and potential treatment options. The diagnosis of your condition is through Traditional Chinese Medicine. The initial treatment includes a session of Acupuncture Treatment and complimentary Acupuncture Manipulation Therapy.
Acupuncture 2unit $120 (30min~40min)
Acupuncture With Manual Therapy $160 (60min)
Acupuncture is a type of therapy involving the placement of tiny, thin needles into certain pressure points on the body to relieve a variety of conditions. Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional Eastern medicine, dating back to at least 100BC.
For most people acupuncture is painless. Some people describe the sensation to be heavy and calming in most situations. The practitioner well gently stimulates the needles to stimulate “Da-Qi”. Which translates to receiving energy.
Our Special Treatment $250 (90min )
​WE use all kinds of tools to make body balances and help chronic pain to healing of body​
Electro-Acupuncture , Acupuncture, Cupping, Manual Therapy, Lymph drainage massage
Hot stone, EMS, etc.. Help the healing of body or chronic pain
1 Session 30min $110
Biocurrent therapy charges the weakened cell membrane negative potential and improves blood flow around nerve cells
by passing a high-voltage microcurrent to the site of neuroin flammation that causes pain.
This normalizes the biocurrent flow of nerve cells and restores their function.
1 Sessions $250 and 10 Sessions $2000
Cosmetic acupuncture is a non- invasive treatment that involves using acupuncture to improve skin and fight the
Aging process. Sometimes referred to as an “acupuncture facelift” or “facial rejuvenation,” cosmetic acupuncture
Can help reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines, remove age spots, and lift droopy eyelids.
Session (approximately 30 Minutes)
Wet $100 (If as needed)
Heat $80 RF Red infra light and Hot towel
Dry $ 70
Cupping is the best deep tissue massage found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues. This therapy affects the tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear blood blockages, help activate and clear veins, arteries and capillaries. It also can improve skin conditions (allergic reactions), stretch marks and improve the condition of varicose veins.
** You may feel a warm, pulling or stretching sensation. After Cupping therapy, there may be a ring-mark, bruise or some discoloration for a few days to weeks.